Saturday, September 15, 2007

Our Second Test

To start our day off, we played "Hide the Eraser" in morning meeting. You had to pass the eraser without the person in the middle finding out who had it by pretending to always have it. Then we had DEAR for twenty minutes, and some of us took AR tests. Next we went to Foreign Language and had a great time. In French we did a skit! In math we took quizzes and played games. Then it was time for lunch. Today was the first hot lunch of the year, and we had the raffle. After lunch, we took our second test of the year, but this time is was a history test. We took reading notes about the plot in stories, and now we are all writing these paragraphs on paper and Mrs. Bushman is reading WHALES ON STILTS. We'll end the day with Dance Party and recess. In conclusion, this was a great day and week!

This entry is a combination of paragraphs by the following students:

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