Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Nation Ball!

Today we started the day off with ball toss greeting. Then we did some Wordly Wise and also we learned about the elements of fiction. Then we went to art and worked on our accordian book covers. Our math groups started today, and we worked on place value. In recess, we learned the strategies of Nation Ball. We played class against class, and Mr. Evans's class ultimately won with a score of 3 to 2. Everyone showed great sportsmanship. Our history homework is to draw a map Mr. Evans's classroom using a grid map, transportation map, product map or a combination of these. In science, Mrs. Bushman explained some of the theories behind the results of our Mentos experiment. We will also be completing another experiment this week! To end the day, we had some DEAR time (Drop Everything and Read). Signed: JP and WS

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